Speech at the Opening Ceremony
of the Third World Buddhist Forum
(April 26 , 2012 / Hong Kong Coliseum )
Delivered by the Most Ven. CHUAN YIN / President of the Buddhist Association of China
Most Venerables, Venerables, and Distinguished Guests:
As Buddhist dignitaries from around the world are gathering here in Hong Kong, the conditions thus converged are extremely distinctive by nature, blessed by all Buddhas and with auspicious wishes from heavenly gods at the same time. Here in the Hong Kong Coliseum, greeting the arrival of the enshrined sacred skull relic of Lord Buddha, we see an assembly of eminent monks and dignitaries from various countries. In the compassionate light of triple gem, collaborative efforts arising from magnificent conditions have succeeded in bringing forth the third World Buddhist Forum. That can be called a rare achievement which delights everybody to the full. I would now like to extend my best wishes to distinguished guests who participate in this forum and the general public. May you all achieve full blissfulness in dharma delight and a carefree body and mind!
Sharing common vows and aspirations, w e concordantly aspire to, and work for a harmonious world, whilst stepping into the 21st century. The achievements of mankind in science and technology as well as material progress are unprecedented. However, afflictions and attachments in people’s mind and conflicts in the external world are on an unceasing increase. Searching for inner peacefulness and achieving world harmony have gradually become the shared aspiration of mankind. Ever since the beginning of the First World Buddhist Forum in 2006, we have preoccupied ourselves with this great mission of the human society to construct a harmonious world of sustainable pea c e and shared prosperity. With the teachings of Lord Buddha as the nucleus, we strive to explore how humans can attain harmony within t heir own selves, between themselves and other fellow humans, and between humans and the ecosystem.
Harmony is the shared aspiration of all humans. The world is influenced by the collective karma of all sentient beings. Only when people actualise hand in hand a calm mind of non-attachment and jointly seek to develop the vow of enlightening the self and enlightening others, and only when Buddhists practise hand in hand the Six Paramitas to seek the Buddha Way above for benefiting all sentient beings below, a calm and harmonious world can then be accomplished with the general public engaging themselves in unison in the universal charitable act of perfecting the self to benefit others. In the context of today’s circumstances, practically speaking, if we all carry with us an attitude of gratitude and cleanse our thoughts hand in hand, we may then find a peaceful and benevolent mind in people. If family members practise offering hand in hand, everybody observing the ethics and discharging his individual responsibilities, family harmony and happiness can be achieved. If we cherish the pre-detestined relationship of walking the way hand in hand with others, while sticking to the principle of benefiting the self to benefit others in every matter, harmony in interpersonal relationships can be achieved. If we are tolerant with each other, concurrently harbouring a common and deep faith in the doctrine of cause and effect, we can then have a peaceful and harmonious society. Mutual respect between us and others in tandem with multiple symbiosis between the East and the West can then bring about a harmonious civilisation. Equitable sharing of benefits among us with a regard for the Four Immeasurables of impartial compassion, loving kindness, joyfulness and equanimity can then bring about world peace. In summary, when the world public all aspire to peace and harmony in practising the universal charity of benefiting the self to benefit others, a harmonious world can then come into being in anticipation of a pure land for mankind.
On the occasion of the World Buddhist Forum brought about by good karma and the platform it now provides, I very much look forward to fruitful dialogues exchanged and discussions conducted among venerable masters of great virtues as well as eminent and altruistic celebrities through agglomerating wisdom and focusing strengths with a view to enhancing the happiness of mankind, advancing world harmony, ensuring the long existence of proper Dharma in the mundane world, and helping all sentient beings to achieve enlightenment together with the same aspiration in advancing the same path hand in hand!
For the celebration of this grand assembly I would like to express my heartfelt happiness with a few verses as follows:
The Forum in Hong Kong represents the realisation of good karma; the elegant meeting on an auspicious day sees a gathering of eminent personalities.
Discussions are conducted on shared intents and shared ethics; the shared mission is strengthened through walking on the same path hand in hand.
Sweet voice of the Buddha is broadcast around the world; brilliant wisdom-sun adorns the sky at high noon.
Lord Buddha's c compassion blankets the three thousand realms; pan-global peace ensures people’s ever-lasting well-being.
Thank you !
- 宗性法師:佛教說不能執(zhí)著,是否意味著看淡甚至放棄努力理想?
- 濟(jì)群法師:佛教對世界的認(rèn)識——因緣因果
- 覺真法師:人與眾生的關(guān)系,是佛教倫理的核心和主體
- 濟(jì)群法師:佛教是宿命論嗎,我們這一生的努力有用嗎?
- 本源法師:佛教不是消極避世,而是積極入世的
- 太虛大師:學(xué)佛者第一步需要對佛與佛教有種認(rèn)識
- 界文法師:佛教的慈悲觀怎么理解?
- 妙江法師:“科學(xué)”、“貿(mào)易”、“單位”這些名詞都出自佛教
- 大安法師:佛教“牧!笔鞘裁匆馑?就是在修心
- 大安法師:佛教經(jīng)典與道教經(jīng)典可以同時誦嗎?
- 印光大師:佛教以孝為根本在大乘經(jīng)中多有闡發(fā)顯明
- 宏海法師:佛教宗派是怎么形成的?
- 凈界法師:佛教天乘四空定之空無邊處定
- 覺真法師:佛教因果論的社會功能和倫理價值
- 界文法師:佛教是如何看待慈心禪的?
- 宏海法師:佛教為什么不殺生?戒殺是首善
- 印光大師:佛教往生的故事,佛力加持往生西方極樂世界
- 覺真法師:佛教的平等思想,是科學(xué)而又偉大的
- 圣嚴(yán)法師:真的有世界末日的一天嗎?佛教有世界末日嗎?
- 明海法師:佛教為什么提倡吃素?
- 星云大師:春有百花秋有月,夏有涼風(fēng)冬有雪;若無閑事掛心頭,便是人間好時節(jié)。
- 正如法師:念《心經(jīng)》比《大悲咒》更好嗎?
- 印光大師:安士全書白話解
- 凈慧大師:凈慧法師《楞嚴(yán)經(jīng)》淺譯
- 星云大師:星云大師談《心經(jīng)》
- 文珠法師:妙法蓮華經(jīng)
- 大寂尼師:一般人在家里可以讀誦《地藏經(jīng)》嗎?
- 仁清法師:聽說誦大悲咒對鬼不好,請法師開示
- 星云大師:解讀普賢菩薩十大愿王(附普賢行愿品全文)
- 圣嚴(yán)法師:關(guān)于靈魂與鬼的終極真相
- 夢參法師:夢參老和尚:金剛經(jīng)
- 惟覺法師:修行人應(yīng)做到的三大精進(jìn)
- 心律法師:吃虧是福
- 夢參法師:夢參老和尚講地藏本愿經(jīng)
- 心律法師:什么人與佛有緣?
- 文珠法師:大方廣佛華嚴(yán)經(jīng)
- 星云大師:千江映月
- 虛云法師:多誦讀《普門品》和《地藏經(jīng)》
- 星云大師:手把青秧插滿田,低頭便見水中天;六根清凈方為道,退步原來是向前。
- 達(dá)摩祖師:《破相論》原文
- 永明延壽:宗鏡錄
- 正如法師:誦心經(jīng)比大悲咒功德大嗎
- 凈善法師:凈善法師:看風(fēng)水與算命能否改變命運(yùn)?
- 大安法師:無量壽經(jīng)
- 未知:星云大師講解
- 正如法師:梁皇寶懺 慈悲道場
- 明空法師:明空法師:《心經(jīng)》中的般若智慧
- 印光大師:不科學(xué)的求子秘方,但是很靈驗(yàn)
- 星云大師:人身難得今已得,佛法難聞今已聞;此身不向今生度,更向何生度此身?
- 星云大師:朝看花開滿樹紅,暮看花落樹還空;若將花比人間事,花與人間事一同。
- 凈界法師:打坐的時候該怎么念佛?
- 仁清法師:《大悲咒》的九種世間利益
- 正如法師:在家居士受五戒可以搭縵衣嗎?
- 印光大師:命不好者求美好姻緣,有個簡單方法
- 星云大師:人死后生命是怎樣的?
- 星云大師:溪聲盡是廣長舌,山色無非清凈身;夜來八萬四千偈,他日如何舉似人?
- 大安法師:大安法師講解
- 明安法師:把握當(dāng)下不后悔
- 星云大師:天為羅帳地為氈,日月星辰伴我眠;夜間不敢長伸足,恐怕踏破海底天。
- 凈慧法師:凈慧法師:《妙法蓮華經(jīng)》淺釋
- 白云禪師:傲慢與偏見,學(xué)佛人要遠(yuǎn)諸傲慢,調(diào)整偏見
- 宗性法師:佛教說不能執(zhí)著,是否意味著看淡甚至放棄努力理想?
- 廣欽和尚:在家學(xué)佛,應(yīng)如何做人?
- 弘一法師/慶裕:做真實(shí)的自己
- 慈莊法師:行腳云游是什么意思?
- 覺真法師:放下不快樂就是快樂
- 覺真法師:善待別人就是善待自己
- 覺真法師:有沒有辦法掌握未來?
- 覺真法師:你快樂嗎?有沒有試過不快樂?
- 慧廣法師:錯了怎么辦?
- 崇慈法師:修行到底是修什么?
- 慧廣法師:生活感言,人生總有喜怒哀樂的
- 本源法師:至心精進(jìn),專注于目標(biāo),成功自然水到渠成
- 如瑞法師:老實(shí)念佛,重在一生堅持不懈憶佛念佛
- 明海大和尚:明海大和尚的新春勉勵:一個出家人的四件事情
- 靜波法師:先告訴為什么要做這件事,別人才真正愿意去做
- 濟(jì)群法師:弘揚(yáng)佛法是每個佛弟子的責(zé)任
- 清凈法師:供奉韋馱菩薩和伽藍(lán)菩薩消除障緣
- 仁禪法師:五種適合絕大多數(shù)人修的「持名念佛」方法
- 凈善法師:凈善法師:看風(fēng)水與算命能否改變命運(yùn)?
- 如瑞法師:身外之財終舍離,所造之業(yè)如影隨
- 靜波法師:佛法的中道觀
- 濟(jì)群法師:明心見性是怎么來的?利根是天生的嗎?
- 如瑞法師:佛性不分南與北,為人不與比高低,廣修福慧獲法喜
- 本源法師:學(xué)習(xí)佛陀冥想靜坐,就可以悟道成佛嗎?
- 靜波法師:深著虛妄法 堅受不可舍
- 濟(jì)群法師:人為什么要擺脫痛苦和煩惱,目的是什么?
- 本源法師:出家人與在家信徒要保持距離,才能更好地度化眾生
- 如瑞法師:什么是不善業(yè),為什么要遠(yuǎn)離一切不善業(yè)?
- 明海法師:當(dāng)業(yè)障現(xiàn)前時怎么辦?隨緣了業(yè),究竟解脫
- 濟(jì)群法師:如何面對喜歡吃喝玩樂,做不如法事情的朋友?
- 如瑞法師:每個人的福報都是自己修來的
- 本源法師:人與人之間的相處,要保持一定的距離
- 濟(jì)群法師:佛教對世界的認(rèn)識——因緣因果
- 如瑞法師:護(hù)念他人善用心,學(xué)佛慈悲須踐行
- 本源法師:如何報答佛陀的恩德?依教奉行就是對佛最好的報恩
- 濟(jì)群法師:真正完美的人生,需要具足這八種圓滿
- 本源法師:只有無漏的福德,才是真正的功德
- 如瑞法師:印光大師是后世佛弟子學(xué)習(xí)的榜樣
- 理海法師:無論哪種供養(yǎng),都離不開善用一顆歡喜的心
- 妙法蓮華經(jīng)
- 夢參老和尚講地藏本愿經(jīng)
- 千江映月
- 宗鏡錄
- 無量壽經(jīng)
- 星云大師講解
- 大安法師講解
- 印光大師講解
- 凈界法師講解
- 星云大師文章
- 解脫之道講記
- 夢參法師講解
- 印光大師文章
- 圓覺經(jīng)講記
- 虛云法師文章
- 凈界法師文章
- 四圣諦講記
- 圣嚴(yán)法師講解
- 大乘百法明門論講記
- 心經(jīng)的人生智慧
- 定慧之路
- 楞嚴(yán)經(jīng)輕松學(xué)
- 佛法修學(xué)概要
- 摩訶止觀
- 大乘大集地藏十輪經(jīng)
- 般若波羅蜜多心經(jīng)解說
- 體方法師講解
- 印光大師傳奇
- 大方廣圓覺經(jīng)講義
- 解深密經(jīng)語體釋
- 大安法師文章
- 六祖大師法寶壇經(jīng)
- 修習(xí)止觀坐禪法要
- 華嚴(yán)經(jīng)要義
- 雜阿含經(jīng)選集新版
- 妙境法師講解
- 慈悲三昧水懺講記
- 印光文鈔全集
- 大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經(jīng)講記
- 夢參法師文章
- [生活故事]也就只是像那么回事
- [佛與人生]妨礙善行,損耗錢財?shù)牧N過失,在家佛教徒要防范
- [漢傳人物問答]學(xué)佛最終只是讓自己和眾生解脫嗎?
- [佛化家庭]世間的孝有幾種,子女怎么做才是世間最圓滿的孝道?
- [白云禪師]傲慢與偏見,學(xué)佛人要遠(yuǎn)諸傲慢,調(diào)整偏見
- [宗性法師]佛教說不能執(zhí)著,是否意味著看淡甚至放棄努力理想?
- [佛與人生]放下過去,期待明天,對未來心存一份期望
- [佛學(xué)常識]四真道行是什么意思?佛說四圣諦的目的
- [人物故事]濟(jì)公是真實(shí)存在的嗎?濟(jì)顛和尚的神奇?zhèn)髡f
- [禪宗文化]靈隱寺在哪?杭州最早的佛教名剎靈隱寺介紹
- [黑茶]認(rèn)識黑茶,黑茶的分類與營養(yǎng)功效
- [禪宗思想]禪宗的“不立文字,教外別傳”
- [廣欽和尚]在家學(xué)佛,應(yīng)如何做人?
- [宗門故事]無上大法難的不是解,而是真
- [普洱茶]小寒喝什么茶?普洱熟茶、黑茶、紅茶
- [佛理禪機(jī)]知足不是得少為足
- [生活故事]因?yàn)橛卸U,所以有緣