


  It is easy for us to perceive the external phenomena. However, If we get attached to them, our minds tend to follow the phenomena and become volatile, and be manipulated by the outside world. Penetrating the external phenomena, it is important for us to look back and recognize the exact state of our mind when things happen. It is much simpler for us to adjust our mind than the external phenomena, and we are on our own initiative if we focus on our mind and place less emphasis on the outside world.


  We could all look deep into our heart and ask what we need most, or what we need ultimately. Indeed, the enlightened ones and the wised ones have already given us the answer, that is, the peace of mind, or inner peace. What is true inner peace? The essence of all manifestations is pure, equal, without any substance, and that is true inner peace. We need to understand that it is a truth, similar to the unchangeable and unshakable fact that mom is a woman. Everyone innately has this beautiful and unwavering truth deeply rooted in ones’ heart, and it has never changed, never comes and goes, with no increasing and diminishing.


  The external phenomena are constantly changing, which could cause many disturbances to our inner peace. Recognizing the essence of all illusory manifestations, which is pure, equal, without any substance, the inner disturbances could at their very occurrences be transcended. So, when annoyance or habits emerge, it is the very time for us to observe them and to be back to the essence. The annoyance or habits will lose their underpinners when we activate our essentially pure and equal heart to observe them.


  The training of introspection enhances our ability to constantly return to the essence, the most beautiful state of the heart, instead of reinforcing our judgement of the phenomena, being good or bad, right or wrong. We need to be very clear of this point and practice ceaselessly with utmost precision: no matter what happens, we need first and foremost return to our inner peace, and after reaching the fulfilling state of inner peace, we could then deal with the phenomena. If we determine to keep on practising, we could then transcend all phenomena and never be blinded or constrained by them.

  ——來自慈法法師的『生命之光 · 陽光早餐』

  ——From:『Light of Life Sunshine Breakfast』


  原標題:陽光早餐 | 內(nèi)觀回到心安處

