女性更貼近“成佛之道”——參加Sakyadhita 2008國(guó)際會(huì)議感言
女性更貼近“成佛之道”——參加Sakyadhita 2008國(guó)際會(huì)議感言
Closer to the Buddha’s Path as Women--Reflections Upon Participating in the 2008 Sakyadhita Conference in Mongolia
Shih, Chao-Hwei/ 釋昭慧
Translated by Prof. Christie Chang/ 張玉玲教授英譯
Sakyadhita并不像男性所主導(dǎo)的佛教國(guó)際組織,后者一般而言,因其核心成員多半為世界各國(guó)佛教領(lǐng)袖,因此往往擁有教會(huì)、教團(tuán)或各寺院所支援的豐沛資源。Sakyadhita這個(gè)世界性佛教女性組織,鮮見強(qiáng)而有力的社經(jīng)背景與物資奧援,主事者Tsomo法師又專事協(xié)助窮困的第三世界佛教女性,因此可想見它的運(yùn)作,是何等艱難!然而這些令人敬佩的釋迦女兒,還是在資源有限的情況下,充分發(fā)揮了“共用共榮”以及“無相布施”的精神!厥功至偉者,應(yīng)屬來自美國(guó)的Sakyadhita會(huì)長(zhǎng)慧空法師(Rev. Lekshe Tsomo)。
Unlike most other male-dominated international Buddhist organizations, Sakyadhita does not have the support and rich resources from organized churches and strong Buddhist communities or monasteries. As an international Buddhist women’s organization, there is hardly support coming from the privileged socio-economic class and there is very few resources; especially when its leader, Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo who is particularly dedicated to assisting less privileged Buddhist women in the third world, we can imagine how tough a task it must have been for Sakyadhita to operate. Nevertheless, these respected daughters of the Buddha have achieved remarkably under such highly constraining conditions. They have been able to completely extend themselves and successfully demonstrated what it means to offer unconditionally and how to really honor and share with one another. Among all these achievements, of course, Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo, the current President of Sakyadhita, deserves to take most of the credit.
For the past two decades, Ven. Tsomo has been selflessly and tirelessly devoted to the education of nuns in the Himalayas and traveling between the two continents of Asia and America. At our encountering during the 10th Sakyadhita conference in Ulaan Baatar this time, Ven. Tsomo’s gentle tones and bright laughter remained the same, but I could not help noticing traces of exhaust in her. What surprised me the most, however, is that her eyes seemed to have become even clearer and more spirited. Generally speaking, busy lives and exhausting chores in this mundane world usually speed up one’s old age, yet intuitively I feel that all such tiring experiences have transformed into the Bodhi asset in Ven. Tsomo instead.
What I also found to be very impressive at the Sakyadhita conference in Mongolia was that all the participants were able to break through the language barrier and communicated with not much difficulty! Despite the different parts of the world these Buddhist women came from, east or west, despite the different colors of their skin, their ethnic identifies or countries, they were all able to engage in genuine communications, exchanging their experiences as practitioners, researchers, or Dharma servers.
Having personally participated in many other international conferences, I have always observed that although most participants might be able to leave aside their bias or discrimination among races or nationalities, yet not many people have really shown genuine interest in communicating with those who do not speak fluent English. Most of the times, less fluent English speakers are either neglected or treated with much impatience, which seems to pronounce that “if you don’t speak English well, you are not qualified here”. The Asian participants who speak English better in those conferences are also found to be rather discriminating against those who do not speak English as well. Facing their fellow Asians who struggle over their English expressions, those more fluent English-speaking Asians may even look rather arrogant or even feel superior themselves, consciously or unconsciously, because they think they share the language of the Caucasians, and sometimes they may even very rudely interrupt any non-English expressions by other participants.
During the Sakyadhita conference in Mongolia, however, what I have found out is that despite the very limited resources, the committee has tried everything it could to help overcome the language barrier among all conference participants. Naturally, there are some who speak more or better English than others do among the participants from each country, and to ensure that no one is excluded as a result of the language barrier, the conference committee has tried to identify all the bilingual speakers among the conference participants and engage them in volunteer interpretation throughout the conference. This volunteer interpretation team has facilitated during the panel discussions as well as during the breaks or even over meals. Whatever is expressed will be simultaneously interpreted in all the different languages spoken by the conference participants. Consequently, despite all the different languages we use to communicate, we have been able to closely engage in the exchanges together and find ourselves touching each other’s heart and echoing the Dharma experienced in the lives of each other. The two university professors and Dharma friends from Taiwan, Christie Chang and Yuchen Li, have helped serve as the volunteer interpreters for Mandarin Chinese speakers. Even though none of them has received any professional training in simultaneous interpretation, but through years of practicing together over similar conferences, their outstanding performance and excellent partnership have indeed impressed us all.
Such considerate and thoughtful service is rarely found in other international conferences except for Sakyadhita. Generally speaking, even those who provide simultaneous interpretation are usually constrained by their resources and human power, and most likely they all end up providing simultaneous interpretation only between English and the host country language. Therefore, the fact that Sakyadhita has provided simultaneous interpretation service for all its participants shows its spirit of equity, respect, compassion for minorities, and its selfless devotion—all these thoughtful concerns are exactly qualities of women!
As a new member of Sakyadhita, I feel proud, and my faith is also strengthened: not only should women never fall as “the second sex” in the Buddhist community, but as women, we actually have been able to come closer to understand the Buddha’s teachings and practiced accordingly. Therefore, comparing to men, women are actually closer to the path to Buddhahood.
Midnight, Sept. 25, 2008 at Zunhui Lou
- 本源法師:學(xué)習(xí)佛陀冥想靜坐,就可以悟道成佛嗎?
- 濟(jì)群法師:如果所有人都消除煩惱,菩薩還怎么成佛?
- 仁德上人:為什么修行人要成佛很難?
- 仁德上人:改錯(cuò)真成歌
- 廣欽和尚:我們要廣結(jié)善緣,未成佛先結(jié)人緣
- 仁德上人:如何修行才能成佛?
- 仁德上人:真正落實(shí)做到才能明白見性成佛真實(shí)不虛
- 仁德上人:新圓覺歌
- 仁德上人:三首聽聞歌
- 仁德上人:隨順自知歌
- 仁德上人:真空無一物,一悟即佛地
- 仁德上人:只有達(dá)到理與事的圓融,才能真正見性成佛
- 明海法師:學(xué)佛不一定成佛,但下輩子離成佛就更近了,是嗎?
- 明海法師:路要自己走,痛苦與煩惱是成佛的修練
- 靜波法師:三世諸佛皆出家 不出家不能成佛
- 明海法師:每一個(gè)眾生都是將來成佛的種子
- 如瑞法師:為什么要發(fā)菩提心?入道的要門、成佛的種子
- 仁德上人:經(jīng)過艱辛磨煉,才能體會(huì)到“不磨不成佛”!
- 仁德上人:見性后要去除習(xí)氣障礙,否則難以圓滿成佛
- 明朗法師:慈悲與智慧是成佛的必要條件,缺一不可
- 大寂尼師:一般人在家里可以讀誦《地藏經(jīng)》嗎?
- 仁清法師:聽說誦大悲咒對(duì)鬼不好,請(qǐng)法師開示
- 星云大師:解讀普賢菩薩十大愿王(附普賢行愿品全文)
- 圣嚴(yán)法師:關(guān)于靈魂與鬼的終極真相
- 夢(mèng)參法師:夢(mèng)參老和尚:金剛經(jīng)
- 惟覺法師:修行人應(yīng)做到的三大精進(jìn)
- 夢(mèng)參法師:夢(mèng)參老和尚講地藏本愿經(jīng)
- 心律法師:什么人與佛有緣?
- 文珠法師:大方廣佛華嚴(yán)經(jīng)
- 星云大師:千江映月
- 虛云法師:多誦讀《普門品》和《地藏經(jīng)》
- 達(dá)摩祖師:《破相論》原文
- 星云大師:春有百花秋有月,夏有涼風(fēng)冬有雪;若無閑事掛心頭,便是人間好時(shí)節(jié)。
- 正如法師:念《心經(jīng)》比《大悲咒》更好嗎?
- 印光大師:安士全書白話解
- 凈慧大師:凈慧法師《楞嚴(yán)經(jīng)》淺譯
- 星云大師:星云大師談《心經(jīng)》
- 文珠法師:妙法蓮華經(jīng)
- 大寂尼師:一般人在家里可以讀誦《地藏經(jīng)》嗎?
- 仁清法師:聽說誦大悲咒對(duì)鬼不好,請(qǐng)法師開示
- 星云大師:解讀普賢菩薩十大愿王(附普賢行愿品全文)
- 圣嚴(yán)法師:關(guān)于靈魂與鬼的終極真相
- 夢(mèng)參法師:夢(mèng)參老和尚:金剛經(jīng)
- 惟覺法師:修行人應(yīng)做到的三大精進(jìn)
- 心律法師:吃虧是福
- 夢(mèng)參法師:夢(mèng)參老和尚講地藏本愿經(jīng)
- 心律法師:什么人與佛有緣?
- 文珠法師:大方廣佛華嚴(yán)經(jīng)
- 星云大師:千江映月
- 虛云法師:多誦讀《普門品》和《地藏經(jīng)》
- 星云大師:手把青秧插滿田,低頭便見水中天;六根清凈方為道,退步原來是向前。
- 達(dá)摩祖師:《破相論》原文
- 永明延壽:宗鏡錄
- 正如法師:誦心經(jīng)比大悲咒功德大嗎
- 凈善法師:凈善法師:看風(fēng)水與算命能否改變命運(yùn)?
- 大安法師:無量壽經(jīng)
- 未知:星云大師講解
- 正如法師:梁皇寶懺 慈悲道場(chǎng)
- 明空法師:明空法師:《心經(jīng)》中的般若智慧
- 印光大師:不科學(xué)的求子秘方,但是很靈驗(yàn)
- 星云大師:人身難得今已得,佛法難聞今已聞;此身不向今生度,更向何生度此身?
- 星云大師:朝看花開滿樹紅,暮看花落樹還空;若將花比人間事,花與人間事一同。
- 凈界法師:打坐的時(shí)候該怎么念佛?
- 仁清法師:《大悲咒》的九種世間利益
- 正如法師:在家居士受五戒可以搭縵衣嗎?
- 印光大師:命不好者求美好姻緣,有個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單方法
- 星云大師:人死后生命是怎樣的?
- 星云大師:溪聲盡是廣長(zhǎng)舌,山色無非清凈身;夜來八萬四千偈,他日如何舉似人?
- 大安法師:大安法師講解
- 明安法師:把握當(dāng)下不后悔
- 星云大師:天為羅帳地為氈,日月星辰伴我眠;夜間不敢長(zhǎng)伸足,恐怕踏破海底天。
- 凈慧法師:凈慧法師:《妙法蓮華經(jīng)》淺釋
- 如瑞法師:身外之財(cái)終舍離,所造之業(yè)如影隨
- 靜波法師:佛法的中道觀
- 濟(jì)群法師:明心見性是怎么來的?利根是天生的嗎?
- 如瑞法師:佛性不分南與北,為人不與比高低,廣修;郢@法喜
- 本源法師:學(xué)習(xí)佛陀冥想靜坐,就可以悟道成佛嗎?
- 靜波法師:深著虛妄法 堅(jiān)受不可舍
- 濟(jì)群法師:人為什么要擺脫痛苦和煩惱,目的是什么?
- 本源法師:出家人與在家信徒要保持距離,才能更好地度化眾生
- 如瑞法師:什么是不善業(yè),為什么要遠(yuǎn)離一切不善業(yè)?
- 明海法師:當(dāng)業(yè)障現(xiàn)前時(shí)怎么辦?隨緣了業(yè),究竟解脫
- 濟(jì)群法師:如何面對(duì)喜歡吃喝玩樂,做不如法事情的朋友?
- 如瑞法師:每個(gè)人的福報(bào)都是自己修來的
- 本源法師:人與人之間的相處,要保持一定的距離
- 濟(jì)群法師:佛教對(duì)世界的認(rèn)識(shí)——因緣因果
- 如瑞法師:護(hù)念他人善用心,學(xué)佛慈悲須踐行
- 本源法師:如何報(bào)答佛陀的恩德?依教奉行就是對(duì)佛最好的報(bào)恩
- 濟(jì)群法師:真正完美的人生,需要具足這八種圓滿
- 本源法師:只有無漏的福德,才是真正的功德
- 如瑞法師:印光大師是后世佛弟子學(xué)習(xí)的榜樣
- 理海法師:無論哪種供養(yǎng),都離不開善用一顆歡喜的心
- 如瑞法師:敬畏因果,努力修正自己的行為、語言和心念
- 正慈法師:一人獨(dú)坐、內(nèi)心空閑,無甚雜思
- 本源法師:皈依三寶是踏入佛門的第一步
- 靜波法師:跳出三界得解脫
- 濟(jì)群法師:如何呵護(hù)發(fā)起普利眾生的愿心,使發(fā)心不消退?
- 覺真法師:人與眾生的關(guān)系,是佛教倫理的核心和主體
- 本源法師:每個(gè)念佛人在極樂世界都有一朵蓮花
- 濟(jì)群法師:佛教是宿命論嗎,我們這一生的努力有用嗎?
- 本源法師:為什么有人對(duì)佛法深信不疑,有人卻生不起信心?
- 佛源法師:什么是外道?心外求法是外道
- 明海法師:學(xué)佛人多拜幾個(gè)師父,去極樂的幾率也就越大,對(duì)嗎?
- 界文法師:為什么說皈依三寶就可以找到依靠?
- 星云大師:善事要盡心盡力去做,惡事則要毫不猶豫的斷除
- 西行法師:佛號(hào)代表佛智與法界
- 懺云法師:一念凈心的寶貴性!
- 道堅(jiān)法師:佛教所說的業(yè)報(bào)是什么意思?業(yè)報(bào)的意思
- 西行法師:極樂世界的神秘面紗
- 夢(mèng)參法師:造什么業(yè)就感什么果!
- 夢(mèng)參法師:地獄到底有多苦?都是自招的業(yè)報(bào)
- 天因法師:學(xué)法就是為了導(dǎo)正心念
- 妙法蓮華經(jīng)
- 夢(mèng)參老和尚講地藏本愿經(jīng)
- 千江映月
- 宗鏡錄
- 無量壽經(jīng)
- 星云大師講解
- 大安法師講解
- 印光大師講解
- 凈界法師講解
- 星云大師文章
- 解脫之道講記
- 夢(mèng)參法師講解
- 印光大師文章
- 圓覺經(jīng)講記
- 虛云法師文章
- 凈界法師文章
- 四圣諦講記
- 圣嚴(yán)法師講解
- 大乘百法明門論講記
- 心經(jīng)的人生智慧
- 定慧之路
- 楞嚴(yán)經(jīng)輕松學(xué)
- 佛法修學(xué)概要
- 摩訶止觀
- 大乘大集地藏十輪經(jīng)
- 般若波羅蜜多心經(jīng)解說
- 體方法師講解
- 印光大師傳奇
- 大方廣圓覺經(jīng)講義
- 解深密經(jīng)語體釋
- 大安法師文章
- 六祖大師法寶壇經(jīng)
- 修習(xí)止觀坐禪法要
- 華嚴(yán)經(jīng)要義
- 雜阿含經(jīng)選集新版
- 妙境法師講解
- 慈悲三昧水懺講記
- 印光文鈔全集
- 大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經(jīng)講記
- 夢(mèng)參法師文章
- [放生起源]寺院設(shè)立放生池在經(jīng)典或傳統(tǒng)上有什么根據(jù)?
- [感應(yīng)故事]心經(jīng)故事
- [白茶]什么是白茶,有哪些品種?
- [白茶]什么是白茶?白茶的簡(jiǎn)單介紹
- [佛與人生]面對(duì)別人的批評(píng),應(yīng)該怎么做?
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]八關(guān)齋戒的解釋、戒相、功德利益
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]袈裟是什么意思?為什么叫福田衣?
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]為什么把佛法僧三者稱為“寶”?
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]為什么要皈依三寶?歸投三寶令身心安穩(wěn)
- [人物故事]佛教貧女供燈的故事與啟示
- [佛經(jīng)故事]釋迦牟尼佛和菩提達(dá)多的雙頭鳥故事
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]食存五觀指的是什么?
- [人物故事]阿育王的小王妃須阇哆,持戒穿素服得寶珠
- [禪宗公案]老修行人“三十年不冒煙”的故事
- [佛經(jīng)故事]富孩子變窮孩子,《法華經(jīng)》窮子喻的故事
- [佛學(xué)常識(shí)]布施的意思與種類
- [佛經(jīng)故事]伽尸比丘尼身披袈裟出生的因緣故事