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刻苦修行 成就菩提(中英雙語)

則悟法師:刻苦修行 成就菩提(中英雙語)


  The ancient noble said: “In this world it does not have the nature ?ākyamuni (the Buddha) or an inborn Maitreya (future Buddha)。” Our teacher ?ākyamuni Buddha, the future Maitreya Buddha and even the ten directions of three times of all Buddhas have gone through many lives and aeons (kalpa) of assiduous and diligent practices. Besides, they have made Bodhi-citta (awakening mind) vows, practiced the six perfections (pāramit。 with a great number of conducts, planted the numerous roots of morality, and possessed the perfect. auspiciousness and wisdom; consequently, they can eventually achieve the accomplishment of highest perfect enlightenment.

